Market forces that change with neck-breaking speed. Economic uncertainty that looms over every decision. Lack of internal bandwidth and missing expertise. Cost pressures. Competition. Technology. Digital Transformation. Mergers. Acquisitions. New players. New brands. New products. New opportunities. Whatever the reason, the B2B landscape has changed dramatically. It’s time for a new way to run the marketing operations of your business. One that’s strategic. Tech-savvy. Efficient. Results-driven. Turnkey. Proven. Given our undivided attention, we start with the big picture to ensure that all of your promotional efforts are closely integrated – because if your marketing efforts aren’t working together, they’re working against you. Download company profile.


Too often, companies spend a great deal of time and energy creating a plan, only to have it gather dust on the shelf – while business goes on as usual around the office. LOVLUND’s sales and marketing strategies are realistic and sustainable. It’s a fine balance between business aspirations and actual budgetary and human resource constraints. Such constraints are not negatives – they are critical parameters that guide and shape the strategy.



Effective marketing doesn’t simply drive leads – it drives qualified leads from carefully targeted audiences. Rather than trying to reach the masses (who may or may not care at all), it’s more valuable for a B2B company to attract highly qualified prospects. And that requires specialised writing for different target audiences. For that reason, we start each engagement with LOVLUND’s Discovery Process. This is a proven methodology that provides us with an intimate understanding of our client, its business strategy and its competitors, prospects and customers.



Your “brand identity” is the combination of verbal, visual and emotional attributes that define your company and set it apart from the competition. How your branding makes people feel and react are key drivers of brand perception. LOVLUND specializes in creating new brand identities and revitalising sluggish branding. What exactly does that mean? Ask a design firm to create your brand, and they will design you a logo and a business card. Ask a web development agency, and they will program you a website. LOVLUND, on the other hand, brings your branding to life.



At its heart, your brand is a story – the promise you make to your customers. It takes talented writers to successfully define that brand, distinguish it from the competition and compel customers to take action. LOVLUND develops content around an integrated communication strategy tailored to meet your marketing goals – raising brand awareness, driving leads and boosting sales. The most effective content addresses the specific needs and pain points of the target audience, too. We enable companies to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they understand, can help – even empathise with – their customers. That’s the brand promise in action.



LOVLUND ensures that your PR and social media plans mesh with your marketing and business development goals – generating leads and increased awareness among decision-makers. Here, the term “PR” covers both traditional public relations and social media – both guided by proven tools, tactics and measurements that are integrated into your overall marketing mix. Effective business-to-business PR is about being a valuable resource for relevant media reporters and key influencers – developing relationships and providing useful content and ideas that clearly distinguish your brand from the competition.



Whether prospects learn about your business from a search engine query, colleague, brochure, trade show or media hit — your website is the first place they will visit to learn more. A website is far more than an Internet address. In an increasingly web-centric world, your website represents your brand 24 hours a day,7 days a week, 365 days a year. In truly integrated fashion, LOVLUND ensures that a web development project serves as the epicenter of all your marketing – the start and end point for every promotional effort, including PR, trade shows, advertising, email marketing and social media.



Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a strategy for managing all your company's relationships and interactions with your customers and potential customers. It helps you improve your profitability and offers an opportunity for your team to have a better understanding about your clients. When a company expands on the otherhand, so do the relationships that it bares. A CRM System helps you keep your customer’s contact details up to date, track every interaction they have with your business, and manage their accounts. It’s designed to help you, improve your customer relationships, and in turn, customer lifetime value.



Strategy drives design. Our graphic design expertise is a blend of brand identity, strategy, creativity, user experience, functionality, graphics and typography. We enable you to present a polished, consistent, professional brand image every step of the way. The slickest print piece, nicest trade show backdrop, most clever print ad or catchiest Web banner will ultimately fall short of the intended goal if it fails to integrate with the rest of your marketing efforts.



The goal of a website isn’t just to look great. It must continuously attract – and convert – the right kind of visitors. Nothing is worse than spending money and not being able to understand your ROI. We offer true visibility into what’s really going on. From retargeting/remarketing to B2B display advertising, we know how to get your message in front of the right visitors.



We write a lot of content on behalf of our clients – press releases, trade articles, award nominations, case studies, white papers, blog posts, tweets, LinkedIn entries and more. Targeted content delivers measurable results – increased website traffic and more qualified leads in the sales pipeline. And we listen to what’s going on in your industry – which enables us to analyse results and ensure that your audience stays engaged.



LOVLUND creates elegant and powerful brochure designs that elevate your brand above your competitors and engage your audience with your message and value proposition. Also, we specialize in designing memorable packaging that conveys your company's unique brand values and product attributes to your consumers, your packaging speaks before your product does.



Imagery is a critical part of brand image. Video is increasingly favored as medium for information consumption and entertainment – and by Google. A well-rounded brand image and marketing strategy includes both.



Effective sales management, that refers to human resources, requires a slightly different approach from management in other departments. Salespeople are often independent, driven and confident. Managing your sales people in a way that motivates them and uplifts their spirit whilst also ensuring that they execute the company’s sales objectives, can sometimes be easier said, than done. At LOVLUND we offer both consultation and on the floor support setting up a strategy, and management plan that ensures that your sales team have all the tools they need, and the confidence, to do their job well and with integrity. Other areas that we cover which also fall under sales management include, formulation of sales strategies, development of account management policies, pricing, sales revenue forecasting, sales planning, implementation of sales strategies specifically through selecting, training, motivating and supporting the sales force, setting sales revenue targets and sales force management through development and implementation of sales performance, monitoring and evaluation methods, and finally analyses of associated behavioural patterns and costs.



There is a reason why international marketing is one of the most difficult business challenges a company faces, and not to mention the capital needed to internationalise. In the context of entering foreign markets, companies either become active for the first time in external markets, or increase the number of operational markets. As such there are two interdependent decisions to be made, market selection and, market entry. The former entails selecting the appropriate country market, and the later, a fitting market entry strategy. That’s where we come in. With our vast experience in strategic planning and market penetration, LOVLUND is able to effectively take what is seemingly an intricate road for many, into one of opportunity and success. For us the most important thing when discussing over-seas opportunities with our clients, is to figure out whether the company is ready for the expansion, and if not, when. Through LOVLUND’s extensive international marketing research strategy, we are able to extract insight that will allow us to create a precise and tailored international marketing plan for your company.



We know both the upsides and the downsides to trade shows – and how to manage both. A trade show represents a significant investment, and we’ll make sure yours pays off. LOVLUND helps plan, promote, design and leverage dozens of trade shows and events every year. For our clients, trade show marketing starts months before the exhibit floor opens – and ends months after it closes. That’s because a trade show isn’t just an opportunity to meet with industry professionals for a few days. It is a powerful channel for new business and a focal point to maximize on your brand exposure. We not only attend the event with you, but we also make sure to grab as much information about your competitors whilst there and support you after the event is over. We summarise what we learn and set a clear vision for future opportunities.


LOVLUND’s strategic plans are realistically founded on actual budget and human resource parameters, as well as internal political and business realities – ensuring success while saving you time and money. We obsess over results. We track, measure, test, refine. We make decisions that are in the best long-term interests of our clients.
  •   +46 (0) 70-797 62 99


In marketing it’s tempting to jump straight to tactics before setting a marketing strategy- create a brochure, send a press release- because it feels good to “do something” to promote your business. However, if your marketing efforts aren’t working together, they’re working against you and many times the mayhem of initiatives can be difficult to orchestrate. Contact us and we would love to help!